He gathered his four brothers and said to them, "Let us catch the Sun and make it move more slowly. "It will burn us up. It is impossible" they said, "but I have a plan" said Maui. "If we make strong ropes of flax we can snare the sun where it rises." The brothers still were not very happy, but they helped Maui to cut the flax. They plated flatten ones, squared ones and round ropes. Maui chanted a karakia as they worked to give the ropes the power, they would need the power to hold the mighty sun.
At last the ropes were ready, they set off to where the sun rose. They only traveled during the long nights as they did not want it to be known they were coming. It was many miles to the home of the sun. As the bush gave way to shriveled scrub and the ground grew warm underfoot, they knew that they were nearly there.
Soon they reached the great pit from which the sun would rise. "Help me build a wall of earth to hide behind", said Maui. "Hurry my brothers. for the sun is beginning to awake." The five quickly piled up enough clay to conceal themselves. They crouched behind it as the ground began to tremble and shake. "Do not throw your ropes until I say so", hissed Maui, "and when we have caught it, do not let go!"
First the fiery flames reared above the wall, but Maui kept as still as a statue. Then came the great whirling eyes of the sun and Maui muttered 'here' (a charm), but when the white hot teeth came into view, Maui sprang to his feet. "Now my brothers!" The magic ropes snaked through the air. They tied the sun's fiery hair and looped around its huge body. Maui leapt on to the wall, raised the magic jawbone of his grandfather and smashed it down with all his strength on to the head of the sun.
The sun shrieked in agony but Maui kept raining blows on its flaming face. " You will kill Tama-nui-te-Ra!", screamed the sun. "No", said Maui, "I will not kill you, but I will make you move more slowly!" When the sun was weak and tired, Maui told his brothers to loosen the ropes. The sun drifted slowly into the air and began to creep across the sky. Now that is why the days are long enough, and if you look hard, you can sometimes see the magic ropes that bind the sun to earth.
Today I did a retail about how Maui slowed the sun. I thought this story was bold and astonishing to read about. I loved this story and I really thought I should post this on to my blog, it was super fun to write it. I really put my interesting words in there, so I didn't have to use boring words like then and after. It was super amazing. If I would to rate this book it would be a 10/10.
Awesome work Rose thanks for sharing! A relevant free to use image would help your post look even better. Keep it up!
DeleteSorry I would put up a new photo. Thank you anyway.