Friday 23 October 2015

Define Adaptation!!

WALT: Define the meaning of adaptation

An adaptation is a skill that helps the animals to survive and do everything it needs to do when its out and about. Adaptions can be very physical changes to the animals body or behavioral changes in how an individual animal or a society do things for their daily life. This helps the animals around you to survive for resources, from predators and a lot more.

Many species adapt to their habitat to help them survive in difficult places. Some monkeys, like our black and gold howler monkeys, have adapted their tail to be prehensile. They can use their tail to grip branches with like an extra arm or leg.

Some animals use camouflage colours to help them blend in with the background and stop predators seeing them. Sometimes predators also use it to avoid being spotted by their prey.
Most birds have hollow bones, making them lighter when they fly. Penguins, however, have solid bones, making them heavier and making it easier for them to dive in the water.

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