Tuesday 19 April 2016

What does kindness mean?

What does kindness mean? Anything could mean Kindness, and it all starts with you. Kindness is shown very well but a few of us don´t  notice it. This presentation shows What kindness means, Why do we show Kindness and How do we show kindness. If you want to know more about Kindness look at my presentation and you will find ways to show kindness.

Monday 18 April 2016

Ten things we should say more often

Have you ever wondered what to say when someone else talks to you. Well here are ten things you could say to make there day, read through and see what you could say and why. Leave a comment and hope you enjoy.

Saturday 16 April 2016

5 ways to show kindness to your Family

These are 5 ways to show kindness to your family. Actually it could be anyone, as long as your being kind in the holidays. Please comment what u think about my presentation, hope you enjoyed it.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Boys2Men Poster


Today we watched a movie about two boys who met when they were running away from home. Malaga and Johno are not blood but they take care of each other like they are real brothers, Malaga and Johno grew up together for 6 years living on the street. From Boy2men, you should really watch this movie as this movie is really interesting.