Tuesday 29 April 2014

My Holiday to Niue.

This is my Holiday to Niue. I had fun it was cool no troubles. Maybe when you grow up you can go to Niue.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

My Best friends.

My Best friend is Revival because she as always been there for me since I was 5 years so she as been with me for 4 years I really miss her when it is school, So that was my Best Friend forever. My second Best friend is Mya she is nice she is been their for 1 year and she made it to be my second Best friend. Those are my best friends I also have more friend like Ariettah, Alizahy, Ashya, Ashley, Breanna, Cameo and Hailean.

Friday 4 April 2014

My maths progress.

This shows what I know and what I am learning in maths.  If the face is coloured I already know it and if it is white then I’m still practising.  Keep checking back to see my progress.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Native trees of New Zealand.

This is my work of the native trees of New Zealand. Me and my class mates have been working on our own Presentation. We still not finish yet I hope you enjoy.