Wednesday 30 September 2015

Rona and the moon.

Rona was a beautiful young lady but sometimes she could be mean and bossy to her husband and son. One day she sent her husband with her son to catch some fish for supper, they then left early in the morning. Rona's husband and son wouldn't come back until the next night.

Rona then fell asleep, but she slept in to long. Her husband was coming soon, she could hear him singing a mile a way. She then set the fire and hangi out. She then looked inside the gourd to see if there was any water left, there was none not even a drop. Rona had enough time to run to the pond and get some more water. She was running until the moon hid behind a cloud, Rona then tripped. 

She then cursed to the moon. Rona called him an old cooked head. The moon did not like that and then turned mad. He came down from the sky and grabbed Rona by the waist. Rona held on tight to the ngaio tree but the moon was to strong and pulled the tree out of its root. When her husband and son returned he could not see her there, until he could see a woman with a nagio tree in her hand up in the moon. 

On this day Rona can be seen on the full moon. When people get angry, they look to the moon and say "Remember Rona's mistake."
Today I read Rona and the moon. It was a cool story, and experienced me not to get angry that much. I love this story and then thought I should do a retail, maybe this story could tell you not to get angry that much and relax. When you do get angry look at the moon and remember Rona's mistake. If I would rate this book about Rona and the moon I would give it a 10/10.


  1. Thanks for sharing Rose! I like that you have explained what you did in the task description section, well done!


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