Cracks, Screaming, Racing!!We all did that with an egg on a spoon, lots of children thought they were going past with no sweat. They thought wrong, it was a super messy.
The whole of class six literacy class all started to walk to the senior playground. We either decided with our partner to run with our egg first or second. Our little eggs name was Venosa Goodwin,We then get handed our spoons, we carefully put the egg on the spoon. Already kids we cracking their eggs, it was already messy. Groups of us lined up behind the line waiting eagerly to pass the line, it was super crazy. We all panicked for our egg.
We then hear a voice beside us saying “go,” we all walked slowly but trying to beat one another. I climbed over the platform with no sweat, and then looked at the other activities that I needed to pass. Lots already lost their egg, and couldn’t go on. I finally passed the line and gave the spoon to my friend, some children from the other end were really disappointed because their partner didn’t come back with a perfect egg. Once everyone finished with their egg, I walk over to Venetia, the egg was perfect, no crack at all. We were amazed.
The egg race was the coolest activity that we had done so far. We all loved our egg and cared for it, some or our kids didn’t want to give our egg back. I thought that the egg was a good idea to car for one another, because some of us were careful of the egg and some just didn’t care about the egg at all.

Task: Today we learnt how to write purpose. To write our paragraph we did egg racing, we learnt how to write about our topic and don't write about something else.
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