Monday 22 June 2015

Maths Teacher Lesson!!!

Today we learnt how to add and subtract fraction!!! What I learnt is that if your adding an fraction you don't have to add the denominator IF it's the same. For an example: If we had 2/15 + 8/15 + 2/15, so we take the numerator and plus each one. So 8 + 2= 10 + 1= 12, so the answer is 12/15, First we have to see if the answer is actually the simplest form, so what number can you dived it to the simplest form, I chose 3 so then you dived it by 3 and to do that you do: 3 dived a by 12 equals 4 and 3 dived a by 15 equals 5 so the answer is 4/5 BUT first we have to look if the answer is it's simplest form can you dived a by it by any number, no so there is you answer. That is how you solve by adding a fraction.

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