Thursday, 24 July 2014

Am I a square??

How Can…
INVESTIGATION:Are you a square?
Brief description of each strategy:
String, Measuring tape, Finger and hand.
Strategy 1
Measure tape     Fingertip/Fingertip-Rosalina was 55 inches and Amber was 55 Inches.
Hand    Head/Toes-Amber was 57 inches and Rosalina was 56 inches.
Strategy 2
Hand     Fingertip/Fingertip- Rosalina was 18 hands and Amber was 20 hands.
Hand     Head/Toes-Rosalina was 27 hands and Amber was 23 hands.

Strategy 3
Finger   Fingertip/Fingertip-Amber was 50 Finger and Rosalina 60 Finger.
Finger   Head/Toes-Amber was 70 Fringer and Rosalina was 70 Finger.

Assess each of your strategies by giving it a score from 3 (very good) to 0 (very poor) for each of these criteria. Add and score two criteria of your own.
Strategy 1
Strategy 2
Strategy 3
Can you complete it in the time available?
How accurate will the result be?
Can you get all materials you need?
Does it use your time effectively?


Which is the best strategy?
All of them.

Why do you think it is the best?
Because it is using different strategy
I think I would do this but with different objects.

My running pace

I thought that my running pace was 12.7cm/m. It was shorter then I thought but I found out.  

My pace

I estimated my pace would be about 1.9cm but it was longer,only about 7.29m and 1.7m. They both came out the same.

My Holiday highlight.

Last week on Tuesday my mum and I went to the movies at Sylvia Park. When we got to the movies by a car my mum bought the tickets, candy and drinks. Yummy! but we forgot about the 3d glasses so we went back and asked them for some, such silly people. We watched How to train your dragon II. The best thing about the movie was that it was in 3D. I loved the movie and my mum did too. It was my first time seeing the movie and having it shown in 3D.

Once the movie started everyone in the cinema put on their 3D glasses. Every single children were saying “COOOOOOL” even me, it was like the dragon was coming in to my face. It was amazing. When it started everyone was quiet, I really got into the movie. I wish I could see it again but I can’t because I already seen it.

When the movie was still rolling I went out for some fresh air. When I went back in and reach for my popcorn it was finish, my mum was laughing for while. I was angry but I got over it in a couple of minutes. I was getting bored and falling asleep but the movie kept me up with the loud cool noises with Toothless the dragon sweeping down.

The movie was ending so we got up and left. I felt that I could fly when I saw the dragon flying. I enjoyed when Hiccup was trying to fly, but I don’t what to spoil it so yeah. I hope the next holiday I can watch maleficent because everyone else says it is a really cool movie.

Monday, 21 July 2014

How to bake Chocolate Eclairs.


Block of butter.
1/2 a cup milk
1/2 Water
1 cup of Flour
1/4 a teaspoon Baking powder.
Three eggs (one egg at a time, Size 7 eggs)
Grease tray
Icing sugar
Maragine and cocoa.
Oven 180 degrees.


Add butter put it in the pot. Then cup of milk, cup of water pour it in the pot together. Wait for the butter to melt. Heat to a bubbly boil but don't boil it to long.

Put flour into a measuring cup add baking powder to it pour it in one by one and stir. Bring the pot off the heat and stir the liquid until the sides of the eclair come off.Wait for it to cool off, after a while put three eggs one by one and stir.

Have a spoon full of the eclair, put it on the tray make a finger space and repeat till mixture is finish. It looks like cookies but you do not need to press it down. Put it in the oven and wait for 45 minutes.

Sunday, 20 July 2014


YAY! School is tomorrow. I can not wait to see my friends and teacher. I hope you all had a great holiday these two weeks and have fun going to school I hope to see you at school.


Mum and Daughter day.

On Friday it was mum and daughter day. My mum said that we were going to Pakuranga. So when my mum was  driving to Pakuranga I said to her mummy and daughter day. When we got to Pakuranga we looked at shops like Millers, Charlie and me, The warehouse and much more. After all of the shopping my mum and I ate Burger Kings, it was yummy. Me and my mum were both happy to have this time to hang out together. I love my mum and my mum loves me too.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

My nana's birthday

Yesterday was our nana's birthday, she turned 73 years old but has the strength of a 50 year old. My sister prayed and blessed the food, how lucky to have our nana still fit and healthy. We had a nice dinner for my nana. Roast pork with kumara, pumpkin and potatoes. That was yummy, I helped my mum baked the banana cake. I could tell on my nana's face that she was very happy. .I love my nana so much that why my nana is so special to me. We sang happy birthday and ate the cake. The night ended and my nana went to bed with the smile on her face.

Monday, 14 July 2014


Once upon a time there was a little girl name Tyler she was wondering what she could post. This afternoon she was thinking hard for an idea but nothing came to her mind she thought night and day but nothing at all she could think of. That night she was having her little nap when Tyler heard something, Tyler went down the stairs but nothing was there she thought it was just her. When she woke up she saw her favorite art work was on the floor, "someone was here last night she looked up and the window was open she said "So that's why I heard a noise and yeah" silly her so Tyler went back to what she was doing and finishing her fantastic story she finally found out what she is going to write.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

My Sister's Birthday.

Yesterday it was my sisters birthday. Well not quite her birthday was last week on Sunday, but she was working so we planned it on Saturday. It was fun she spend time with her friends in the garage and played card games and darts.My family ate and sang happy birthday, She was happy. We were glad that she was happy and having fun. After the night ended we went to bed with the sound of happiness in our garage. If it wasn't for our parent's, nana,Wendy  (aunty),Malia (aunty), Pati (uncle), my brothers and I. She wouldn't have this night to share with her wonderful close friends.

Saturday, 5 July 2014


Yes It's the Holiday's. Missing all of my friends already. Well Happy Holiday Everyone.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Ratio Promblem


My Super Hero.

Amazing man is a cool guy who lives in GI. He loves his family and they love him. His Niece Rosie told him “you are my hero”. Pati loved hearing that even though he’s an Amazing hero he has time to hang out with his family.

That day he was working at his desk trying to think about the perfect story. All of a sudden it popped up in his head, family, I should write about family.

When he was writing his story he felt a little cold. He turned around and saw Mac Evilness. He ran to the toilet and quickly changed into his uniform. He flew out and punched him. Out of nowhere Captin Under Pants came and helped him take him down. The Captain whacked him and left it to Amazingman to finish off Mac Evilness. Mac Evilness got back up and tried to kick Amazingman but Amazing dodged his useless kick and chucked him where he belonged with his Amazing strength.

Everyone was happy and relieved he was gone.

Amazing man went back and helped people getting back where they belong. His niece was happy when he saw him back home. THE END.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Rosalina and shavana Egg Expriment.

This is my animation about a Rotten egg and an fresh egg. Well leave a comment Please.